Sunday, 26 February 2017

A rough shiny day!

This has been a tough passage ... we haven't been able to relax much because all along our path it seems we've had 3 to 5 meter waves ... and we've diverted from our course to avoid the even worse 9 meter waves. There have been many sail changes and a lot of uncertainty.

BUT today we sat out in the beautiful sunshine looking at the cobalt-blue shiny waves.

We're now using the same 2007 chart we used for our last NZ-Chile nonstop.
2007: we were at 43 degrees South
2017: we're at 37 degrees South
2007: water temperature: 13 degrees C
2017: up to 20 C
2007: 33-day passage
2017 (probable): 39 days
2007: we were "knocked down" (boat slewed sideways and top of mast hit the water)
2017: a more conservative navigation schema will preclude a knock-down

Earlier, we got a chance to have calimari for dinner when this gift arrived from Neptune!

At 2017-02-27 06:04 (utc) our position was 37°07.29'S 115°36.18'W


  1. We wish you a safe onward passage and hope that the worst of the weather is now behind you!

  2. Despite sleeping some nights on the boat, you are currently 'land-lubbers' and your sea legs are atrophying just a bit. So many of us were quite happy that you docked safely in Chile where you have wonder friends - as you do in so many places around the world. All of us have been so enhanced by your wonderful blog and personal emails.
    So what is the next direction that the Traversay III will be taking and when. Are the British Isles, Scandinavia & thru the Baltic to St. Pete, on the list, or maybe the east coast of Canada and US on the docket? Maybe a swing thru Vancouver, its fjords and its famous Isle namesake? Maybe once is enough over the top of Oh Canada EH??? Maybe a cruise thru the famous canals and rivers of Europe? So many choices.
    We all await your next adventure!!

    We hope to see you one of these DAZE. Do Drop Inn !!!

    Hugs & Love frum ussens very near the waters of Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria
    Frank Barb and Roxy the now 10 year old puppy......
